

Love, stay with me for one hour more
The stars shine yet grey in the sky,
Twain shall we be many an autumn for
Oh, spare till the day break goodbye.

My heart, on these lands of our earth I must tread.
All things will I gird, as the dawn.
And though chill the wind caress in thy stead
Shall I when these stars pale be gone.

Of your embrace just once more teach,
The world lies, oh, so wide.
My love, more in space must as thou reach
Foil ever to find more my side.

Believe we are whole though you mourn I be gone
And neither shall be bereft
Cleave to my soul though the morning be born
And never shall we love be cleft.

Lo, on the plains the morning is come
Lo, on the vapours, the dawn
And lo, lies the dew on every bloom
For lo, love is gone.
